TKS High School Graduates and Honorary K2 Die
TKS High School Graduates and Honorary K2 Die. They cannot take part in the 2022 PPPK selection. This is because the 2022 PPPK selection does not regulate the formation of technical staff for applicants with high school diplomas/equivalents. The chairman of the Indonesian K2 Honorary Association (PHK2I) Sahirudin Anto assessed that the two regulations made by the government, namely KepmenPAN-RB Number 970 of 2022 and KepmenPAN-RB Number 971 of 2022 are not in favor of K2 technical honorees. This is because there is no formation of high school graduates or equivalent technical staff in the 2022 PPPK selection.
TKS Volunteer Workforce, high school graduates, have worked for 20 years, have not entered K2, were not appointed PNS or received P3K, lost to undergraduate graduates who had just graduated from school and became TKS and were immediately accepted and appointed P3K or PNS. TKS has been working without pay for 20 years, relying only on the mercy of gifts and being overtaken by TKS workers who have just been accepted into government agencies with undergraduate paintings.
Acceptance of first aid was opened to make new TKS workers explode and become overloaded with data is magic, and make TKS workers who graduated from old high schools become closed and do not get first aid opportunities.
The Indonesian and regional governments are unfair in dealing with honorarium issues. Proven high school qualifications for general positions do not exist. This provision certainly makes K2 honorary technical staff who do not have a bachelor's degree, have no chance of being appointed as PNS-type ASN with a Work Agreement or PPPK. In fact, he continued, on average in regional agencies there are still many honorary graduates with high school education. The government should provide opportunities for TKS honorary high school graduates. When will the government increase the honorary status of K2 and administrative technical TKS. We have not had formations for many years and are constantly idle.
Number of PNS and PPPK Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning the State Civil Apparatus mentions two types of ASN, namely Civil Servants (PNS) and PPPK. The Deputy for Personnel Information Systems at the BKN published the June 2022 edition of the State Civil Apparatus Statistics Book. The ASN Statistics Book describes ASN profiles up to June 30, 2022. BKN data states that as of June 30, 2022 the number of ASNs throughout Indonesia was 4,344,552.
What are the minimum education rules for PPPK applicants in 2022 for functional positions of teachers, health workers (Nakes) and technical applicants? Find out the explanation here. Approaching the time to register for the 2022 PPPK selection which is rumored to take place in the third and fourth weeks of September, prospective scholarship recipients who wish to apply need to be prepared. One of the preparations that can be made is to check the terms and conditions from the Minister of PANRB regarding honoraries who can take part in the 2022 PPPK selection. One of the conditions that must be met is a minimum education. Each PPPK applicant has a minimum education that varies according to the formation applied for. So, can high school graduates take part in the PPPK selection?.
It should be noted, all the requirements that need to be understood by PPPK 2022 honorary candidates are already listed in a circular letter or regulation of the Minister of PANRB. The requirements for being able to take part in the upcoming PPPK 2022 selection are contained in the Minister of PANRB Circular Letter Number.
B/1511/M.SM.01.00/2022 is as follows: Status as Honorary Class II (THK-2) registered in the database of the National Civil Service Agency and non-ASN employees who have worked in government agencies.
1. Get an honorarium with a direct payment mechanism sourced from the APBN of the Central Agency and the APBD of the Regional Agencies.
2. Not through the mechanism of procuring goods and services, both individuals and third parties.
3. Appointed at the lowest level by the head of the work unit.
4. Has worked for at least one year as of December 31, 2021.
5. Minimum age 20 years and maximum 56 years on December 31, 2021.
The government opened the 2022 PPPK Technical Worker selection, starting December 21, 2022. Registration for 2022 PPPK Technical Worker can be attended by the general public who meet the qualifications. For PPPK 2022 Technical Personnel applicants, there are several requirements that must be met, to be able to take part in the selection.
There are general and special requirements for applicants for PPPK 2022 Technical Personnel. Specific requirements are usually determined by the institution that opens the 2022 P3K formation. Meanwhile, general requirements apply to all applicants for PPPK 2022 Technical Personnel, which apply to all agencies.
Following are the general terms or conditions for PPPK 2022 Technical Personnel applicants that must be met:
1. Never been sentenced to prison for 2 years or more.
2. Never been dismissed with respect not at his own request or not with respect as a civil servant/TNI/Polri soldier.
3. Never dishonorably dismissed as a private employee.
4. Not domiciled as civil servants, civil servants, TNI soldiers, or members of the National Police.
5. Not being a member/administrator of a political party or involved in practical politics.
6. Have educational qualifications in accordance with the requirements of the position.
7. Physically and mentally healthy in accordance with the requirements of the position being applied for.
8. Willing to be placed throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia or other countries determined by government agencies.
In addition to the general requirements, there are several questions that are often asked by First Aid applicants in 2022. Some of them are related to the age limit of the applicants who are allowed.
Quoting the SSCASN BKN website, when registering, the age limit for applicants for the 2022 PPPK Technical Staff selection is a minimum of 20 years and a maximum of 1 year before a certain age limit to apply for positions in accordance with statutory provisions.
Based on Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) it has been regulated about the difference between PNS and PPPK. In this regulation PPPK is an ASN employee who is appointed as an employee with a work agreement by a Personnel Development Officer in accordance with the needs of Government Agencies and the provisions of the Law.
In simple terms, PPPK is an ASN employee who is appointed and employed with a contractual agreement according to a stipulated time period. So, if the stipulated contract period has been completed, the PPPK work period can end or be extended as needed. The minimum term of the work agreement is one year and can be extended as needed and based on performance appraisal. PPPK cannot be appointed automatically as a candidate for civil servants.
To be appointed as CPNS, PPPK must follow the entire selection process carried out for CPNS and in accordance with statutory provisions. PPPK is entitled to receive: Salary and Allowances. Paid leave.
Protection. Competency development. In this case the difference between PNS and PPPK is that PNS get pension security while PPPK does not get it. Termination of the PPPK work agreement is carried out with respect because: The term of the work agreement ends; Dead; At own request; Streamlining government organizations or policies that have an impact on reducing PPPK; or physically and/or mentally incapacitated so that they cannot carry out their duties and obligations in accordance with the agreed work agreement.
PNS Meanwhile, according to the law, civil servants are ASNs who are appointed as permanent employees by the Civil Service Development Officer and have a national employment registration number. That is, the difference between PNS and PPPK is that PNS are permanent employees in government agencies while PPPK are employees who are employed for a certain period of time. Civil servants are entitled to: Salary, benefits and facilities, Paid leave.
Pension and old age security; Protection; and Competency Development. Civil servants are honorably discharged due to: Death; At own request; Reaching the retirement age limit; Downsizing government organizations or policies that result in early retirement, or physical and/or mental disabilities that prevent them from carrying out their duties and obligations. Civil servants are given a pension guarantee if: Dies; Upon his own request with a certain age and working period; Reaching the retirement age limit; Downsizing government organizations or policies that result in early retirement; or physically and/or mentally disabled so that they cannot carry out their duties and obligations.
"The facts show, every time ASN is received, the demand is always overflowing with very limited available formations. As if it was not easy to get ASN seats because of the intense competition. PPPK Competency Selection is carried out using computer media through a system known as the Computer Assisted Test (CAT) or Computer Based Test (CBT)."
So, what first aid must be included in first aid? First aid aims to provide emergency care and life support to injured or economically injured persons and prevent further complications. Therefore, first aid at work (first aid kit) is very necessary, both at home, office and in life.
The contents of the first aid guide can be adjusted according to the placement location and its designation. However, the type of equipment that needs to be prepared is generally not much different. High school graduates die, thousands of non-graduates have become PPPK, there is data. The 2022 PPPK Selection does not regulate the formation of technical personnel for applicants with high school diplomas/equivalent.
This provision certainly makes K2 and TKS honorary technical staff who do not have a bachelor's degree have no chance of being appointed as PNS-type ASNs with an Employment Agreement or PPPK.
Ketum of the Indonesian K2 Honorary Association (PHK2I) Sahirudin Anto assessed that the two regulations made by the government, namely KepmenPAN-RB Number 970 of 2022 and KepmenPAN-RB Number 971 of 2022 are not in favor of K2 technical honorees and TKS Voluntary Workforce.This is because there is no formation of high school graduates or equivalent technical staff in the 2022 PPPK selection. The government is unfair in handling honorarium issues.
proven for public office does not exist. In fact, on average in regional agencies there are still many honorary graduates with high school education. The government should provide opportunities for honorary K2 high school graduates and TKS with high school diplomas who have worked for many years. When will the government raise the honorary status of K2 and TKS technical administration.