About Us

The usdinata site is an online based service provider that aims to build and provide accurate and reliable information and services.

Most online media are built as part of the development of media companies, or built by media people.

But usdinata was actually built by a technology company consisting of people who understood PHP & Apache / Free BSD beforehand than journalism (in the past).

Starting from the experience of trying to be a pure internet player an organization that focuses on providing services on the internet that can be enjoyed by millions of people and then meta for becoming a technology & media company with a focus on entertainment, now we are joining journalists. It was the synergy of technology people and journalists that usdinata was born.

The site usdinata is a usdinata organization, which is an organization that lives on the internet people live, work, can google and chat on the internet even support their family from the internet. The internet is alive, growing, and inspiring. of which usdinata is a part and contributes, especially to the Indonesian internet.

We are not the first, but we have a new dream, which is to provide real information and in accordance with the world's information ethics accounted for.

The colors in the usdinata logo are the colors of freedom in conveying information, not bound by certain understandings or certain interests.

But the basic white (or black, at certain times) underlies the intention to always be on the right path, not arbitrarily. The goal is to become a media that can be accessed by millions of people through technology, without limitation or restriction, because an advancement in technology can be useful if it is used properly and correctly.