leadership teachings

leadership teachings, Not only the president, ministers, echelon officials and company bosses or managers are called leaders.

Every individual is essentially a leader. So, he needs to hold this leadership precept. The leadership teachings consist of five things which are the most principle values. The five teachings are:


SETYA CULTURE: A leader must respect the customs and culture of the local community. He must be willing to adapt to the local social environment. Leaders must know the nature of culture. Culture is a human process to live a wiser, fairer, safer and more prosperous life. The process knows no stopping points, so a good leader must continue to adapt and assimilate to the culture in which he or she leads.

SETYA WACANA: A leader must be able to stick to what he says. The union of words or words and real deeds must be in harmony. Not hypocritical and lying to the public. He must be good at diplomacy and understand developments in social situations, politics, science and other discourses so that he is able to lead intelligently.

SETYA SEMAYA: A leader must be able to carry out his promises before becoming a leader/campaign. Promises are debts that must be paid after he becomes the leader. Promises are indeed needed so that people think optimistically and have hope for a better life, but promises must be implemented.

SETYA LAKSANA: A leader must be responsible for the tasks he carries out. Duties are obligations, not rights. So fulfilling obligations is the principle of a leader. Leaders must be responsible to society, but also to God. That responsibility is not only in the world, but also in the hereafter, so the responsibility will be questioned. Any task assigned by society must be carried out with sincerity.

SETYA MITRA: A leader must be able to build a network of friendship and friendship. He must have the highest character of loyal friend. You can't betray friends. You can't be sneaky and selfish. A leader needs to build a conducive social life and bring benefits together. Benefits should not only be felt by the group/people, but must be felt by all groups.